Erster Zurück Datensatz 7957 von 9782 vor Letzter

Angaben zum Bild Dargestellte Person(en):
Stephen Kemble (1758-1822) GND:1037053664 Wiki: Saur-Dokumentnummer: B98985

George Henry Harlow (1787-1819) Saur-Dokumentnummer: B80722 [Link1] [Link2]
Literatur: Thieme-Becker, Bd. XVI, (1923), S. 43 f.

John Rogers (1808-1888) Saur-Dokumentnummer: A372346
Literatur: Thieme-Becker, Bd. XXVIII, (1934), S. 514
Dictionary of artists / Benezit. Paris : Gründ. Vol. 11 (2006) p. 1261

Bezeichnung: MR. STEP. KEMBLE | AS FALSTAFF. || Engr. on Steel by J. Rogers, from a drawing by G. Harlowe. Publ. April 30. 1825 for the Proprietor by G. Virtue. 26 Ivy Lane.

Technik: Stahlstich

Datum: 1825

Externe Bild-URL: [Link1]

Bibliographische Angaben Sammlung: Universitätsbibliothek Trier

Portrait aus: William Shakespeare: King Henry IV : part 1 ; a tragedy in five acts ; with notes, critical and explanatory ; also, an authentic description of the costume, and the general stage business, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, London ; embellished with a wood engraving ... made expressly for this work, by Mr. I. R. Cruikshank. London: Dolby, 1825 (Dolby's British theatre). Frontispiz

Signatur: 99=af2815